Sophia Feuer is a filmmaker and multimedia artist based in Brooklyn, NY. She was raised in Chicago, Illinois, while her father and extended family originate from Germany. She has spent the past few years working on various independent films in the US and abroad. Sophia works as a Director and Director of Photography in New York and is a dedicated youth arts educator, teaching at ReelWorks (NY), the Jacob Burns Film Center (NY), SFFILM (CA), and Larkin Street Youth Services (CA). She was the Valentine & Clark Emerging Filmmaker Fellow at the Jacob Burns Film Center (2022) and the former Curatorial Fellow at Aggregate Space Gallery (2019).
Feuer's film, Flood Line, is currently in Post-Production, with support from the New York Foundation of the Art Women's Fund and the Jacob Burns Film Center.
Her short film, Space Lady, is available for streaming on NoBudge and was the recipient of Flies Collective Film Production Grant. You can read more in Filmmaker Magazine and Filmthreat.
E- sophiefeuer (at)
Interview from 'Curled Beneath the Skin' solo exhibition at Root Division Talks Blog
Pop-Up Gallery, Ithaca, NY
May 2018
Before Hereafter
Handwerker Gallery, Ithaca
APRIL 16 - May 2018
Creative Space Gallery, Ithaca
May - June 2018
Ithaca Fantastic
The Studio, Ithaca
November 2018
Curled Beneath the Skin
Root Division, San Francisco
August - September 2020